Business Formation Services In Wisconsin

While choosing the right legal entity for your business is not as flashy as choosing a name and logo or developing a product, it is arguably more important. The entity you choose will serve as the legal foundation of your business and create the framework for how you operate in the business and legal sphere.

At Laffey, Sebranek, Auby & Ristau, S.C., our attorneys have more than 50 years of experience representing business of all types and sizes in Wisconsin. We can help you identify the best entity for you and make sure it is set up as advantageously as possible.

Helping You Choose How To Structure Your Business

The most selected entities are:

  • Corporations: Subchapter C and Subchapter S corporations, among others, provide limited personal liability to owner-shareholders for business debts; however, they do require specific ownership structures and more onerous management requirements.

  • Limited Liability Company (LLC): LLCs combine the liability protection of a corporation with the tax advantages associated with partnerships. An LLC can have one or many owners (also known as members).

  • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP): An LLP is a partnership formed by two or more owners that is most commonly used for professional practices. Both partners enjoy some limited liability.

  • Partnerships: Includes general partnership and limited partnerships. These are the simplest and least expensive entity to own and operate, but owners maintain personal responsibility for debts and judgments.

Opening door

Our experienced attorneys will take the time to explain your options, answer your questions and make sure the entity you choose is set up correctly so you can focus on what you do best – running your business.

Build Your Business On A Strong Legal Foundation

Your choice of business entity is crucial. Contact us today to discuss your options with one of our experienced business lawyers. From our offices in Sun Prairie and Madison, we represent businesses and business owners throughout Wisconsin.